1.시간의 미래가치
Be careful what you aim at, right?
What you aim at determines what the world manifests itself to you. The goal is to have a vision for your life, such that, all things considered, that justifies your effort. Then, what do you do?
Then, you turn down on your micro routine. Okay, this is what I’m aiming for, how does that instantiate itself day to day, week to week, month to month? And, that’s where something like a schedule can be unbelievably useful. It’s like, make a damn schedule and stick to it. That’s the trick.
So it was the best possible day I could have, practically speaking, what would it look like? One of the things that you’re going to insist upon is that at the end of the day you’re not in worse shape than you were at the beginning of the day. Because that’d be a stupid day. If you have a bunch of those in a row, you just dig yourself a hole, and then you bury yourself in it. Sorry, that’s just not a good strategy and that’s how you make the schedule. You look at the day and you think "well if I had that day, that’d be good’. Great!
You know, you’re useless and horrible, so you’ll probably only hit it with about 70 percent accuracy, but that beats the hell out of zero. Right? and if you hit it even with 50 percent accuracy, another rule is, well, aim for 51 the next week, because you’re going to hit that position where things start to loop back positively and spiral you upward, because you probably waste like six hours a day and I think we did an economic calculation about that a while back, right?
Your time’s probably worth 50 bucks an hour, something like that. I mean, you’re not getting paid that now, but you’re young and so this is investment time and what you do now is going to multiply its effects in the future.
So let’s say it’s 50 bucks an hour which is perfectly reasonable. So if you waste six hours a day and you are, then wasting about two thousand dollars a week or about a hundred thousand dollars a year. So like go ahead but that’s what it’s costing you every hour. You need to know what your damn time is worth. So let’s say it’s not 50 bucks, it’s 30, whatever. Maybe it’s a hundred. It’s somewhere in that range.
One of the things you should be asking yourself is when you spend an hour, was that "Well, what if I paid someone 50 bucks to have had that hour". And if the answer is no, it’s like well, maybe you should do something else with your time. It depends on whether or not you think that your time is worthwhile.
2. 마음가짐
You know, you got to aim for something. We do, we plan all the time because the rule is you’re gonna come and see me I’m gonna try to help you figure out how to have the life that you wanna have. We’re gonna think about that strategically so you’re making fifty thousand dollars a year right now. Maybe, you should be making a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in three years. They think, "Well, that couldn’t happen".
Not with that attitude! That’s the first thing. It’s like ’no that’s not gonna happen if you don’t ask people for the damn money. If you don’t look for a better job, but they’re going to come along and just shovel a boat full of money at you. No, that’s not going to happen. Why is that impossible? What the hell is wrong with you? Nothing.
So you might think I can have what I want, but you better well figure out what it is. You can’t just wait for have-what-you-want fairy to show up at your doorstep and grant it, because obviously, that’s not going to happen.
3. 목표설정의 시작점 & 두가지 행동 방법
So then the question might be how would you go about getting your act together and the answer to that, and this is a phenomenological idea too. Look around for something that bothers you and see if you can fix it. You can do this in a room. It’s quite fun to do it just when you’re sitting in a room. You can sit there and just sort of meditate on and think "okay, if I wanted to spend 10 minutes making this room better, what would I have to do?". You have to ask yourself that. It’s not a command, it’s like a genuine question. Things will pop out in the room that you know, like there’s a stack of papers over there that’s kind of bugging you and you know that little order there would be a good thing and there’s some rubbish behind your computer monitor that you haven’t attended to for like six months. The room would be slightly better if it was a little less dusty and the cables weren’t all tangled up the same way. If you allow yourself just to consider the expanse in which you exist at that moment there’ll be all sorts of things that’ll pop out in it that you could just fix. I might say well of you were coming to see me for psychotherapy, the small easiest thing for us to do first would just be to get you to organize your room.
You know, I often tell people to fix the things you repeat every day, because people tend to think of those as trivial. You get up, you brush your teeth, you have your breakfast, you know you have your routines that you go through every day. Well, those probably constitute 50 percent of your life. People think they’re mundane, I don’t need to pay attention to them. No, no, that’s exactly wrong. The things you do every day, those are the most important things you do.
Your mind is a very strange thing. As soon as you give it a name, a genuine aim, it’ll reconfigure the world. In keeping with that aim, that’s actually how you see to begin with. So if you set it a task, especially you have to be genuine about it. Which is why you have to bring your thoughts and emotions together. Then you have to get them in your body so you’re acting consistently. You have to be genuine about the aim. But once you aim, the world will reconfigure itself around that aim which is very strange. It’s technically true. Be careful where you aim at! Right? What you aim at determines the way the world manifests itself to you. So if the world is manifesting itself in a very negative way, one thing to ask is are you aiming that the right thing?
Now, I would say start where you can start. If something announces itself to you, fix it. Fix a hundred things like that, your life would be a lot different.
manifests: 나타나다,분명해지다,드러나다 (=demonstrate,appear)
instantiate: 예를 들어 설명하다, 예시하다, 실체화하다
practically speaking: 사실을/현실적으로 말하자면,
insist on/upon : 고집하다, 중요/필요하다고 생각하다
phenomenological idea: 현상학적 개념 (대상을 어떻게 느끼고 의식하고 있는가)
genuine question: 진실한/진솔한/진정한 질문
trivial: 사소한, 하찮은
mundane: 평범한, 재미없는, 일상적인, 흔한 (=dull, ordinary)
1.시간의 미래가치
- 어제보다 나은 하루를 보내기
- 누군가에게 내 시급을 준다면, 지금 하는 일이 그 시급만큼 가치 있는 일인가?
- 그 시급이 3만원이든 5만원이든 그 가치에 맞는 일을 하자.
2. 마음가짐
- 그런일은 일어나지 않을거야 같은 생각은 하지 말자
- 목표를 반드시 세우고 노력하라
3. 목표설정의 시작점 & 두가지 행동 방법
- 주변 정리부터 하자: 방정리
- 10분 간 이방을 더 나은 상태로 만들기 위해서 할 수 있는 일은?
- 매일 반복하는 일을 고치자. 절대 사소하지 않다. 오히려 가장 중요하다.
- 목표를 설정하는 순간 정신은 그것에 집중한다. 세상이 그 기준으로 재구성된다.
- 시작할 수 있는 것 부터 시작하자.